Thursday, January 31, 2013


Abby has a nasty cold and her voice is mega crusty.....she has choir first thing in the morning.......I could not convince her that we should all sleep in a little and go in late.........durn it.....she consistently rains on my parade like that ethic schmork ethic.........I wanted to stay home.........

I think I'm done with winter now........let's move on to spring and steaks on the grill.........I have a veggie basket for the grill for everyone......

I would like for all girl scouts to stay away from me......don't make me growl at you!

.....and while I'm growling..........curse you inventor of Swedish Fish.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

chips and salsa

Well.........I had five million chips at the restaurant but .......I blame them......they ran out of food and took an hour to find some..........who wouldn't eat chips that whole time.........the only save was that I washed them down with 5 gallons of water........

Tonight..........I'm going to my daughter's orientation meeting....for HIGH SCHOOL!!!!
I'd be struggling if she weren't so stinking excited about going..........our district's small town feel helps too because she'll be reunited with elementary friends......I'm sharing this milestone with some of my favorite teachers who will also be going.............please overlook the fact that I am going to most likely be one of the oldest parents there.....please don't let me be the oldest........please

I think we have to eat on the fly tonight..........gonna make fabulous choices.......

Monday, January 28, 2013

Carlos Miguel

So tonight I have dinner plan.............Mexican chips and salsa.......light lunch to prepare for a night out...........I can't just not go out........and I don't want my friends to slap chips out of my have a plan............we'll see..........lately I've re-discovered beer.........Corona and queso..........a fine pair.......I'm sure Corona would also be fine with some sizzling fried ice cinnamon/sugar coated anything......

You might have noticed my absence of blogging on the weekends........that's naughty......nothing much exciting on the weekends I guess..........once baseball tournaments start....I will have more of a life..........well, my son has a life and I'm part of it sad that Jimmy Johns is a part of baseball?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Friday Friday

......the highlight of my morning was holding ( I mean evaluating) twin baby boys............such sweet little puddins wouldn't believe........I probably should have made up stuff that was wrong with them and told the parents they had to bring them in to see me once a week.....soft fuzzy heads....
I packed a perfect lunch............Erica (pregnant ladies are a very bad influence) convinced us to go out........Chipotle is the bomb........and worth just means light dinner.......such as.....the lunch that is still packed and sitting on my desk.....

Sooooo....just tracked my lunch into the calorie tracker.........I recommend MyFitnessPal if you are looking for a free one...........Weight Watchers is great if an extra $18 a month falls out of your butt each month and you can't think of anything else to do with it......and back to me.....I have not ruined my day....Chipotle stays on my list of places I can eat out....and bonus, I didn't see any nose picking going on while we were there........ can have a lot of calories when you're ginormous......

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Who's a blog slacker?.........yep.........just go ahead and deduce that I've been making poor choices....
Yesterday I signed up for Kaiser Permanente's Weigh and Win program.......if I lose 5% of my body weight, they will send me $15 a quarter.........10% gets $30....and so've weighed in with them and am not going to post my weight............I'll give you a math problem and if you want to know the dirty truth you can figure it out......5% means losing 13 pounds for that's my first goal........
For the record.........Karen is the one who harassed me into joining.........I guess I should let her read the blog since she stars in it frequently.....
My sister sent caramel corn and homemade caramels yesterday............sabotage!!!
 I do my best when I stay out of or for now...I'm going to assume all food service workers pick their noses and wipe their boogies on the food......sadly, it might be true....
Thought for the's fuel.....I will always need more so I don't need to eat it all in one sitting......

Thursday, January 17, 2013

W-2 Day

Today I got my W-2 form from the district......I get money back from the IRS.......I will still wait until April to do idea why...........again....stupid........I have issues with change.....
Big News..........I ellipticatered during The Middle ....and I lived.......Mychele gave me a nudge on FaceBook so I couldn't let her down.........I did not go in the craft room though.........
More Big News........I was hungry when I woke up.......I bet that's how skinny people feel..........

Jack took a break from his ADHD medication yesterday......... it was a late start so I wasn't there when he left for fun that substitute teachers know his name instantly..........he "didn't do anything" he was "just making noises" in class............

We played a pirate game in my groups today.......Aargh

Chocolate chip cookies in the teachers' lounge..........evil........people are evil.....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I already missed a whole day of can assume I wasn't behaving nutritionally.
I was CRABBY....all day...........I blame others...........because that's easier.......
Today I'm back to normal...........looking for fun in all that SLPA and I went out for lunch and it was a fair choice.......salad and a slice of DEEEElicious Boriello Bros pizza.....I should be set for the day........a simple cereal dinner should please us all tonight....
I need some help staying upright when I get home from work.   Going into the craft room works the food allowed.......I get busy and forget there is Nutella in the's a simple plan......crossing the threshold into that room is tricky since my bed wants me to join it and dink around with my phone or kindle............I always feel better if I've been idiot........go in there............ask me tomorrow if I did........k?

My hip is achy...........reaching fifty could suck the life out of me if I don't get in shape.........I feel old...........I hate doctor appointments so that is not an option.........
If someone would offer me $100 to get on the elliptical tonight, I can't swear I'd do it..............okay.......I love watching the Middle on Wed nights........I watch very little evening TV so it's a treat...........maybe........just maybe I can commit to ellipticating while that is on.................again........check with me tomorrow.........

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blog Virgin first blog.....I hope no one was expecting punctuation because I don't do that.....I'm good at it, mind you.....I just don't like to do it when I type.....
My first thought was to make a blog but not give out the address for's safer that way.
In reality.......I need this to make myself accountable.   I read a blog today from a guy who lost 150 pounds by blogging.  I suppose he also ate less and worked out more.   I guess I'll try that too.

Today I found myself eating a Panda Bowl for lunch.  I HATE Panda Express.  My daughter loves it.  We had a lunch date to go to the orthodontist so guess what we had.........yes....blech.....
All afternoon I questioned why I ate 700+ calories of what I hate and decided I might have stumbled onto the crux of my issues.....I eat because it's convenient, it's available, it's delicious, it's filling, it's time, it smells good when I'm starving, .....because I don't think.   
I'm actually very picky.  My friend, Karen, is the same way and says "for a fat lady, I sure don't like many foods".........go figure....